
John Beltzer

Songs of Love Founder

About Songs of Love

The Songs of Love Foundation, a national nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, crafts free, personalized, original songs to uplift children and teens who are currently navigating tough medical, physical, or emotional challenges. Each “song of love” is crafted with professional quality, incorporating the child’s name and references to their favorite activities, things, people, and pets. The songs are created in any language and musical style preferred by the child—be it kids, pop, R&B, rap, rock, alternative, or more. The result is a high-quality musical experience designed to bring joy and comfort to each child.

Every “song of love” is thoughtfully delivered pre-loaded on a Songs of Love USB 8GB drive. Accompanying each drive, the box includes a personalized SongSketch™, a custom graphic that visually represents the child’s interests as celebrated in their “song of love.”

Celebrating the uniqueness of each child, every “song of love” composition is distinct. Since its inception in 1996, the Songs of Love Foundation has created over 44,000 “songs of love” for children and teens around the globe, facing various challenges.

While much effort is dedicated to raising awareness and funds to find cures for serious illnesses, both physical and emotional, the immediate needs of these children are often overlooked. Our “songs of love” have provided solace and relief from pain and trauma during difficult hospital treatments. These songs have accompanied the recipients in numerous situations—during car trips to the hospital, at show and tell in school, and when sharing with family, friends, doctors, and nurses. They offer a source of comfort and strength, always accessible to the children in their moments of need.

The Songs of Love History

Walking down the street in early 1996, an idea suddenly came to John Beltzer that would deeply touch many lives. As a way of providing sick children with an ongoing source of comfort and joy, and a therapeutic tool to help with the healing process, he set out to create personalized one-of-a-kind songs for them.

The very first “song of love” was for 5-year-old cancer patient Brittany, a patient at St. Jude’s Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. After receiving her song, her mother put her on the phone, and with the cutest little voice she simply said, “Thank you for my song.” After that defining moment, there was no turning back!

John quickly got busy gathering a team of volunteer songwriters and performers from across the country to compose and record the unique songs. The Songs of Love Foundation was founded soon thereafter, the only organization of its kind.

The pool of musical artists who have participated has grown to more than 1000 songwriters, lyricists, instrumentalists and vocalists who have experienced the excitement of being able to give back with the talents they were given. When you take into account that hundreds of schools, companies and charitable groups have lent their voices to children’s songs as well, the symphony includes many thousands of people.

Songs of Love is dedicated to the memory of John’s twin brother Julio who wrote and recorded the composition ‘Songs of Love’ just two months before he died on April 12, 1984. This was his gift to all of us.


Who qualifies to receive a “song of love”?

  • Songs of Love writes songs for children between the ages of one and twenty-one (21) who are currently facing life-threatening or life-limiting physical, mental or emotional challenges. Feel free to contact us if you have questions regarding your child’s condition.

How long does it take to complete a “song of love”?

  • From the time that we receive the profile, it takes approximately 4 to 8 weeks before the song is delivered to the child. We work our hardest to keep it as close to 4 weeks as possible, but the process may be held up in certain cases. In the event that a song is taking longer than normal to complete, someone from our office will contact you to let you know. We can rush songs in special situations.

How can I request a song?

How much does it cost to have a song written for my child?

  • Even though there is never a cost to the immediate families or medical facilities, our Song Sponsor program enables supporters to sponsor a “song of love” for an ailing child for $250. Any efforts on the part of the family members to make contributions and/or help with fundraising is purely voluntary.

How can I get involved?

  • Find out about the many ways to help the Songs of Love Foundation above by clicking on the “ways to help” above.