Lee Cooperman Will Match $5,000,000!

The Songs of Love Foundation is delighted to announce that the Leon and Toby Cooperman Family Foundation has pledged to match $5 million towards our inaugural endowment campaign. That means every dollar donated to the Songs of Love Foundation will be matched up to $5 million! This will fulfill our goal of establishing a $10 million endowment, allowing the foundation to carry out its mission in perpetuity, providing musical healing to sick children through personalized songs.
You can make your legacy donation below or to donate by check, make it out to: Songs of Love Foundation and mail to: PO BOX 750809, Forest Hills, NY 11375. If you have any questions please call us at 800-960-SONG or email at Info@songsoflove.org
Founder of Songs of Love John Beltzer on Eyewitness News Extra Time!
Children Enjoying Their “Songs of Love”
Heartfelt Words from Our Singer/Songwriters of Love!
CLICK HERE to donate with VENMO
To donate by check, make it out to: SONGS OF LOVE FOUNDATION
and mail to: PO BOX 750809, Forest Hills, NY 11375